Homeopathy Rules
is a form of healing that IS NOT HABIT
FORMING, nor does it cause side effects, as
is frequently the case with conventional
medicine. It is based upon THE LAW OF SIMILARS. This law states: A
pharmacologically active substance
administered to a person in good health
triggers a series of symptoms. When these
same symptoms appear in a sick person they
can be cured by administering the same
substance in a micro dose. An example of
this is Ipecac, which causes vomiting when
taken in concentrated doses. If taken in a
very small (micro) dose, Ipecac is one of
the best remedies for the elimination of
nausea and vomiting. This principle
was known to ancient physicians, such as
Hippocrates (400 B. C.) and Paracelsus
(1493), but it was not until the late
1700s that it was
actively investigated by a
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of
Germany. A dedicated and concerned physician,
Hahnemann was appalled by the existing medical
practices of the day, which often did more harm than
good. He gave up his medical practice to explore
other alternatives and deepen his understanding of
the natural laws of healing. In 1790, while
translating the writings of a Scottish doctor
(Cullen), his attention became focused on an article
discussing QUININE. In the process of attempting to
prove Cullen�s theory incorrect, he discovered that
CHINCHONA BARK (from which quinine is taken) would
cause symptoms similar to malaria (fever, chills,
aches, etc.) when taken in allopathic (large) doses.
These same symptoms in a patient could be quickly
and dramatically �cured� when quinine was
administered in a very small (micro) dose.
Hahnemann�s genius is manifested in that he became a
of that which he set out to disprove. He
continued to experiment and was able to
verify that the reaction observed with
quinine could be repeated with other
substances. Hahnemann told others of his
discovery and they joined with him in other
experiments. These experiments, called
PROVINGS, consisted of taking small doses of
various reputedly poisonous or other
medicinal substances and carefully noting
all the symptoms they produced. Patients
suffering from similar symptoms were then
treated with these same substances in minute
doses with outstanding results. The theory
was no longer a coincidence but could be
stated as a valid law. Having thus
established the principle of similarity,
Hahnemann worked to discover the smallest
effective dose, for he realized that this
was thebest way to avoid side effects. To
his surprise he found that the more the
remedy was diluted, the more active it
became, while dissimilar
remedies were ineffective. He called his
method of dilution
potentization and
numbered the potencies to indicate the dilution
ratio. The paradox, that less of a substance could
be more effective, was unacceptable to the
scientific thought of the time, and Hahnemann and
his followers were ridiculed. However, homeopathy
survived simply because it achieved remarkable
results in many patients when allopathic medicine
had failed. PROVINGS (or pathogeneses) with the
various substance were always on healthy subjects,
and all reactions were recorded. The first
compilation of provings was published in 1810 under
the title THE ORGANON, (The Art of Healing) by
Hahnemann. Since that time other doctors have
continued the provings process and today a large
homeopathic physicians, providing hundreds of
remedies from which to choose.
Homeopathic physicians consider it better to
treat the sick person rather than the
disease. The orthodox Homeopath will sit
with his patient for one or two hours
soliciting information on how they feel
throughout their entire body and mind. Once
the physician has a �picture� of the whole
person he will consult the MATERIA MEDICA to
find the single best remedy which matches as
many symptoms as possible.
The person is viewed as a unique individual,
and not just as one labeled with a specific
disease. Different patients suffering with
the same �disease� will often require
different remedies, while another group of
patients with different �diseases� may all
benefit from the same remedy. Although this
makes controlled studies problematical,
basic principles of homeopathy indicate
clearly why this is so. Now, it is not
necessary for the doctor to spend hours
soliciting information from the patient.
Through the use of a computerized diagnostic
instrument, the physician can quickly
determine where the patient may have the
slightest imbalance in his body. Some
disease conditions that have not yet
developed enough to manifest themselves
clinically can be diagnosed, such as infections and
degenerative conditions. Instrumentation will then
determine the appropriate homeopathic preparation
and the exact strength (potency) of the remedy to
restore a balance in the body. With this method the
physician knows with certainty which remedies will
and will not interact properly with each other.
Physicians in other clinics who may be using other
available electronic diagnostic instruments are
burdened with the task of checking each remedy and
potency through a trial and error basis. Now doctors
are beyond this type of homeopathic and nutritional
practice and into that of the computer age.
What are the REMEDIES? Homeopathic firms use
materials that are from animal, vegetable and
mineral sources. These companies, like drug
manufacturers, are regulated by the F. D. A.
However, the end product contains only very minute
amounts of the original sources. Drugs such as
arsenic are used, but in their diluted forms which
render them innocuous as poisons, they are
marvelously effective as remedies (medicines) for
treating illnesses. Even substances which in
their natural state have little or no obvious effect
upon the human body: � sand, charcoal, common salt,
etc. � develop powerful healing properties when
potentized in a diluted form and are correctly
matched with the patient�s symptoms. Homeopathy is
essentially natural healing in that the remedy
stimulates the body to resonate its own energy
fields more vigorously to eliminate negative
influences, such as viruses, bacteria and toxins.
Adequate rest
and appropriate diets in a satisfactory
environment will obviously encourage a more
rapid recovery. Results can be quickly
achieved in acute illness, but when the
patient�s vitality is low, recovery is
slower and treatment may be prolonged.
Sometimes irreversible bodily changes have
taken place. In these cases other forms of
medical or surgical treatment are necessary
to give the patient a fresh start.
Homeopathy will help prevent deterioration
or recurrence.
does not reject the great discoveries of
modern science, but only their commercial
abuse. When properly applied, homeopathy has
amply rewarded both physician and patient
during the past 150 years. Its basic
principle has been known to mankind for over
2,000 years. This safe and effective
treatment is now available to you.